Script Excerpt — Sundown Squad Meets the Ottaburas
Timeline: Year 1, Month 7
Location: Republic space, Planet of Chazwa
Sundown Squad are returning from a mission and have just re-entered Republic space. They stop at a spaceport to refuel and pick up some supplies from the local market before heading back to their ship. Knox gets distracted.
Characters: Nitsani | Kess | Speedy | Knox | Drums | Chigba | Ottaburas
Author’s Comments
A little excerpt from the episode where Sundown meet the Ottas for the first time! This script is still in heavy beta, so it might be a lil bit rough around the edges. :’D Enjoy this sneak peek into the Sundown story! ❤️
Nitsani, Kess, Knox, and Chigba are seen walking through the streets of the spaceport with bags in their hands. They’ve been shopping for supplies and snacks. Knox has a piece of fruit in his hand that he’s munching on.
Ok, is that everything?
No, I think Chigba still needs something. Who’s got the list?
(Speaking through a bite of fruit in his mouth)
Knox pulls the mini holo-projector out of his pocket. He hands it to Kess who turns it on and looks at the list displayed.
Yeah, I tossed beri sticks back on the list. The ones we have taste like high-grit sandpaper.
Knox has started patting down his pockets like he’s looking for something.
I mean really, what kind of idiot messes up a beri stick? They’re, what, five ingredients?
Knox stops walking to better search his pockets.
Missing something, Knox?
Yeah, I think I left my communicator somewhere.
Knox finishes searching to no avail.
Shoot, I bet it’s at the fruit stand. I need to go check.
Here, I’ll go with you.
No, no. It’s good. I’ll only be a minute. Go get those snacks and I’ll meet you back at the ship.
Alright. Just don’t get sidetracked, head right back to the port.
Kess offers his hand to take Knox’s bag. Knox tosses his half-eaten fruit in and hands it off before turning to walk away.
Understood. Don’t eat all those beri sticks before I get back, Chigba!
Who says I’m sharing?
Knox laughs and heads the other way down the street.
Knox is standing in front of a fruit stand in the open-air market. The merchant on the other side rummages through a box and hands the missing communicator to Knox.
That’s the one. Thank you, sir!
The merchant waves, and Knox waves back as he leaves. He pockets his communicator and looks about himself as he walks, clearly enjoying the bustling market. Something catches his eye as he looks down the market alley to his right. He backs up and stops. Livestock pens are situated at the far end of the alley. The backs of some bantha can be seen over the metal siding of their corral. Knox is interested in going to have a look, but fidgets with his fingers and looks over his shoulder before staring back down the alley. He knows Kess told him not to get distracted, but he’s planning on doing it anyway.
Ok, just a quick look.
He walks down the alley toward the livestock pens. As he clears the alley, other pens become visible with dozens of different kinds of animals. Knox wanders left and stands next to the pen of banthas. He leans on the metal siding. Three bantha are in the middle eating hay out of a feeder. One of the bantha catches sight of Knox and looks in his direction with a mouthful of hay.
Hey there.
The bantha stares and chews slowly, its long hair obscuring its eyes.
How do you even see through all that fluff?
The bantha stares for another moment before lowering its head back down. Knox smirks and backs away from the fence. He walks towards some eopie laying down on the other side of the bantha pen. They’re hitched to metal posts close to the path. Knox approaches but stops a couple feet away to look. The eopie closest to him meets his eyes.
Hi, friend.
The eopie stretches out its neck in greeting. Knox steps forward and offers his right hand. The eopie wiggles its trunk around in his palm.
I love your sniffle snoot.
Knox reaches up with his left hand and rubs the eopie’s forehead. The eopie leans into the touch.
That’s an itchy spot, huh? There you go.
He gives the eopie a final pat before stepping back.
Bye, buddy!
The eopie snorts softly and watches as he leaves. Knox heads further down the row past more pens before taking a left to head back in the direction of the port. The livestock pens end and are replaced by large market stalls covered with canvas canopies. The stalls are filled with cages for smaller animals and are host to everything from tookas to kowakians. Knox looks closer at the cages as he passes, and his expression changes as he sees how bored the caged creatures look. Most are sleeping or seem uninterested in his presence. He keeps walking until some larger cages on the ground to his right catch his eye. He stops and tilts his head to see them better. He enters the stall, and crouches down.
There are three cages in front of him, each with a baby Ottabura in them. Knox is unfamiliar with the species, and tilts his head to get a better look. Each cage looks barely big enough to fit them, and all three Ottas are curled up in whichever corner brings them closest to the others. As Knox looks on, the tan Otta in the cage in front opens its eyes and then spooks when it sees how close Knox is.
Oh, sorry little buddy! Didn’t mean to startle you. Here, I’ll back up a bit.
Knox shuffles backward a couple steps then stops.
How’s that?
The tan Otta relaxes a little, tilting its head and twitching the long whiskers on its face. The Ottas in the other two cages are looking at Knox now, too.
It can’t understand you. You know that, right?
The merchant is a Pantoran female sitting off a little ways to Knox’s left in a chair with her arms crossed. She looks annoyed. Knox looks up at her.
Oh, I know. I just like talking to ‘em. They don’t have to speak Basic to get the gist.
Pft. Not these ones. They won’t listen to a word I say. Obstinate little gremlins.
Knox raises an eyebrow at the merchant, surprised by her comments. He ignores it, and returns his gaze to the Ottas.
Are they babies?
Yep. Two weeks old.
The merchant turns her attention back to the table in front of her. She begins stacking credits into piles.
Two weeks? Wow, big babies.
The tan Otta in the front cage is getting curious about Knox now, and stretches its neck out to touch its nose to the bars. It flicks its chin whiskers forward through the bars and wiggles them. Knox smiles.
Ottaburas grow like weeds. They don’t stay little for long.
They probably eat a lot then, huh?
Knox slowly reaches his hand out to make contact with the Otta’s whiskers. The Otta wiggles its whiskers, and Knox takes a chance and pets the tip of the Otta’s nose with the flat of his index finger. His smile grows as he softly strokes the Otta’s nose.
They eat everything in sight as babies, yeah. Not so much when they’re… HEY!
The merchant notices Knox petting the Otta and picks up a credit and throws it at the Otta’s cage. Startled by the sudden sound, the Otta lurches backwards. Knox is equally startled, and draws back before looking at the merchant in confusion.
No touching the merchandise! You want to touch it? You buy it.
Knox furrows his eyebrows before looking back at the Ottas. All three are curled up tightly with their whiskers flat against their heads. Knox is deeply unsettled by this, and thinks hard for a moment.
How much are you asking for them?
A thousand credits each.
The merchant leans back and throws her left arm over the back of her chair.
A thousand each? For a bunch of obstinate little gremlins? Sounds like a rip-off to me.
The merchant glares at Knox, annoyed by his rebuttal. She rolls her eyes and looks in the other direction.
She looks back at Knox.
A thousand credits for all three.
Knox turns his attention back to the Ottas. The tan one in front has its nose shoved in the corner of the cage trying to poke its whiskers through the bars so it can feel its friends. Knox wears a stern expression as he thinks, his eyes moving down to look at the ground for a moment.
I’ll take them.
Good, finally. I didn’t want to have to buy them bigger cages.
Knox glares at the merchant as she looks away to grab her data pad. He pulls his credit chip out of his pocket and hands it over. He looks back at the Ottas and lays his hand on the roof of the closest cage. His expression softens with concern as he looks at the Ottas. The merchant calls over a droid that’s pulling a hover cart. Knox stands up and lets the droid load the cages onto the cart platform.
Ok, your credits cleared.
The merchant hands Knox his credit chip back.
Just leave the cart at the port when you’re done. The droid will come and get it later.
Good luck, buddy. They’re your problem now.
The merchant smirks and turns away to go sit back down at her table. Knox glares at her as he grabs the handle of the cart and walks off.
Knox is back on the main market road pulling the hover cart behind him. The Ottas have started to raise their heads a little, watching their surroundings. Knox is angrily mumbling to himself.
‘Merchandise’. I can’t believe she called you that.
He talks over his shoulder at the Ottas then looks forward again.
Don’t worry. Where we’re going, no one will ever treat you like that again.
He continues pulling the cart for a moment before stopping dead in his tracks. He stands up straight, an expression of dawning realization on his face.
Oooooooh no.
Knox turns around to look at the Ottas.
Oh, I’ve really done it this time.
Knox lets go of the cart handle and starts pacing back and forth, hands on either side of his head.
Aw man, Kess is gonna crap an entire duracrete brick when he sees you.
He stops in front of the cart and faces the Ottas. He puts both hands on the cart handle and rests his forehead on top. He sighs, then stands up straight.
You know what, no. I bought you, I’m bringing you home with me.
He grabs the cart handle again and walks off, pulling the Ottas with.
I may not be able to keep you, but I’m sure as hell not taking you back where you came from. You don’t deserve to be there.
He’s more assured of his own decision now, but still looks nervous.
I am never going to hear the end of this one…
Knox is pulling the cart up the ramp of the ship and into the cargo bay. He parks the cart in an empty space between two large shipping containers, then presses a button that lowers it to the floor. He doesn’t see Kess, Speedy, and Drums as they approach from his left. The others can’t see the cages between the containers.
There you are, Knox, we’ve been worried! Why weren’t you answering your comm? Did you not find it?
Knox whips around and looks at Kess, his hands clasped behind his back. He’s standing stiffly.
No, no. I found it.
Kess waits for Knox to elaborate.
Sooo, why didn’t you answer it then? I pinged you five times.
I, uh, might have gotten a little… distracted.
More silence as Kess waits for him to explain.
So what were you doing, then?
Well, um…
Knox rubs the back of his neck nervously.
Remember how Chigba told us not to spend all our credits in one place?
That kinda, sorta, maybe, might be exactly what I did.
His brothers look more confused than before.
Wait, you blew all your credits? On what?
A rustling sound is heard from behind the containers. Kess, Speedy, and Drums all snap their attention to the source of the sound. Knox doesn’t move, but his eyes dart to the right, and then back to Kess. Knox smiles nervously. Kess doesn’t wait for an explanation, and walks around Knox to see for himself. He stops stiff when he catches sight of what’s in the cages.
You bought animals? Knox, what were you thinking!
Speedy and Drums are surprised by the revelation, and walk around to see what Kess is looking at. Knox turns around to face Kess.
They needed help, Kess. I couldn’t just ignore them!
What do you mean, ‘needed help’?
They were scared. I had to do something!
What? Knox, no! You can’t just bring home frightened animals! How are we even supposed to take care of them?
I was gonna figure it out when…
Figure it out? What did you plan to do until you did? Feed ‘em rations? Take ‘em for a walk?
Yeah, maybe I was, Speedy!
Well that’s just great. No way that could backfire.
Shut up, nobody asked you!
Speedy is about to fire back at Knox, but Kess interjects.
Cut it out, both of you! Knox, we need to figure this out right now.
Knox opens his mouth to answer, but stops when he notices how startled the Ottas look by all the commotion.
Wait, we need to quiet down. We’re freaking them out.
(With a lowered voice)
They’re freaking out? I’M freaking out. What am I supposed to tell the General?
Tell me what?
The brothers couldn’t see Nitsani approach from the other side of the shipping container. All four quickly turn and stand up straight.
Everything alright?
Yes, General. Apologies. We were discussing a situation.
Nitsani is confused by the sudden formality.
Anything I can help with?
Kess is about to answer, but Knox stops him.
Kess, wait. It’s ok. I want to explain it.
Kess stops and looks at Knox, surprised. Knox doesn’t wait for permission to continue and steps forward.
Apologies, General. I went to retrieve my comm and found it, but got distracted on the way back. I went through the stockyard, came across these little creatures and was concerned for them… so I bought them.
Nitsani looks at the cages, then back at Knox.
I see. May I meet them?
Knox nods and steps out of the way to let Nitsani pass. She walks around and crouches in front of the cages. She smiles when she sees the Ottas.
Wow, look at them! What species are they?
The lady called them Ottaburas.
Ottaburas, huh? I’m not familiar with them. What caused you concern?
They were being treated badly. It just didn’t feel right to leave them there.
Nitsani smiles and nods at Knox before turning her attention back to the Ottas. She reaches out with her left hand and closes her eyes for a moment, creating a Force connection with the Ottas. All three Ottas turn their attention to her.
So how much did you pay for them?
A thousand credits…
His brothers look at him, startled by the amount.
Only a thousand? Sounds low to me, actually.
Well, I mean, I did talk her down from 3,000.
Did you really? Merchants aren’t keen on letting go of that many credits. Nicely done.
Knox is confused by her reaction, and looks at Kess for guidance. Kess is equally confused, and simply shrugs. Knox looks back at Nitsani, uncertain.
General, I understand if I can’t keep them, and I accept any consequences for bringing them here. I just wanted them to have a better home.
Nitsani is looking at the Ottas as he speaks, and all three are giving her their undivided attention. They seem much more relaxed, and are twitching their whiskers curiously. Nitsani lowers her hand and closes the Force connection. She stands up.
I believe the only consequence is that you’ll have to incur the wrath of Chigba when she finds out we’ll be using up even more of her cargo space.
Knox’s confused expression returns.
I’m not sure I understand.
The way I see it, you saw someone in need and did something about it. I can’t fault you for that. And you paid your own money for them, so they’re yours. As long as you work hard to take care of them, I don’t see any reason they can’t stay here. And besides, this little one likes you already.
Nitsani points at the tan Otta Knox had been interacting with earlier.
Really? You can tell that?
Nitsani nods and smiles.
I… Thank you, for giving me a chance. I won’t let you down. I’ll figure out everything I need to do to take care of them.
Kess still doesn’t look convinced.
You certain about this, General?
Absolutely. Unless you have any objections, I have no problem with it.
Kess looks down at the Ottas and thinks. Knox is looking at him expectantly, nervousness creeping back in. They all wait for Kess to respond.
Alright, I agree. They can stay.
Knox is visibly relieved. Drums and Speedy look surprised that Kess would go along with this at all.
We should probably get going on a supply run, then. Where do we even go to get animal stuff?
Their conversation is interrupted as Chigba walks up around the corner, but not far enough to see the Ottas.
What is taking so long? You ready to leave or what?
Not quite. Perfect timing, though! You transport livestock every once-in-a-while, right?
A dozen or so times a year, yeah.
So then you would know where we could find supplies for animals, yes?
Chigba squints suspiciously.
Why do you want to know?
Nitsani gestures towards the cages, and Chigba comes around for a better look. Her expression is stern as she looks at the Ottas, then the members of Sundown, then back at the Ottas. She looks directly at Knox.
Knox, what the hell did you do?
Drums laughs but tries to hide it.
Woah, what? No one’s even said who bought them yet!
Kid, you’re covered in dirt. Who else could it be?
Knox looks down at himself.
Chigba rolls her eyes and shakes her head.
Yeah, yeah, I know where to go. Get the little biters moved onto the floor. We’ll need that cart.
Wait, you’re actually going to help me?
Not if you don’t get your ass moving. Come on, hurry up!
Knox nods quickly and starts offloading the Otta’s cages. Drums steps in to help him.
There’s a new episode of my favorite Holo Novella airing in three hours and if I miss it because of this, I will personally punt you to the moon.
Understood, we’ll be quick.
With the cart unloaded, Knox pulls it out and heads for the ramp.
Drums, you’re coming too. We’ll need your help to load up all this poodoo.
Drums sighs but does as he’s told. He follows Knox and Chigba down the ramp. Nitsani, Kess, and Speedy watch them go.
Hm. I was expecting more push back from Chigba.
Me too. I think Knox lucked out.
Some rustling comes from the Ottas, and they all turn their attention. Nitsani walks over and sits down in front of the cages.
Knox made quite the find with these little guys.
What makes you say that?
I’ve never met creatures quite like them before. They’re very in-tune with their surroundings. Easy to connect to. I’ve got a good feeling about them.
Well, I’m still not sure how to feel about the whole thing. But if you have a good feeling about them, that’s good enough for me.
There’s a moment of silence as they watch the Ottas.
The cargo bay is gonna smell like animals for the rest of forever now, isn’t it?
(In unison)
Yeah, probably.
Aww I loved this! Chigba is a riot 🤣, and Knox casually chatting with animals is so fun.