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Ship Interior Concepts – Dorm Rooms

When the squad first toured the ship they were assigned to, they were surprised to find that a) they only had to bunk two to a room and b) that they had the entire space completely to themselves. It took a bit of getting used to, but it didn’t take too long for them to adjust (especially when they realized they could stay up all night and watch holo shows if they wanted).

This was a test to mess around with creating 3D models to use as reference for illustrations. I started by creating a simple 3D layout of the room in Blender before moving on to using it as the base for the illustration. One of these days I’ll actually learn how to color and texture these models, but smooth and grey will work for now. :’D Creating these was insanely helpful in getting the design figured out, and sure helped me work through the perspective of the illustration. My hope is to create the entire ship interior as a model at some point so I always have references on hand.

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